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A SocialFi protocol for building, rallying and rewarding web3 communities across web2 social platforms with zero friction.

XREY is a long term token and campaign where you can explore web3 while monetizing your content across the web. The XREY token will be launched and airdropped at a later stage early next year.

Campaigns on REY allow other projects, communities and creators to publish and monetize their own content or reward engagement across all audiences seamlessly. Check out active campaigns here.

The Shill Index is your social discovery layer and leaderboard to uncover the top Shillers across all campaigns. You can also filter through individual campaigns, access feeds and much more...

Factions are currently in beta. They are social credentials that will be claimable on-chain at a later stage. Rising up in factions allow you to rank up and unlock more boosts on your shill score and access to early deals, alpha and much more...

You will be able to see all your ranks, rewards and completed campaigns on your profile and rewards section. These features are shipping really soon. Stay tuned.